Stanford e-Kagoshima City 共同記者発表に係るインタビュー


 本年度、鹿児島市の新規事業としてStanford e-Kagoshima Cityが開校されることになり、その共同記者発表に本校2年生の江田優衣さん、嵜野魁晟さん、平田莉々さんが記者として出席しました。





“I will ask about entrepreneurship.

I heard that you were an instructor at the College of International Business in Dalian, China, and studied international affairs at university. So from your point of view what are the things that companies or entrepreneurs that have succeeded have in common?”



“I will ask about revitalization.

Last year, Elon Musk claimed on Twitter that “At risk of stating the obvious, unless something changes to cause the birth rate to exceed the death rate, Japan will eventually cause to exist.  This would be a great loss for the world.”

Do you believe that the biggest problem of Japan is the revitalization of Japan’s population and culture?

If not, what do you believe to be the greatest problem for our country?”



“I will ask about diversity.

I am interested in learning foreign languages.  I heard you speak Japanese, Portuguese, and Mandarin.  I have also heard that using words often is the best way to learn them.  In your experiences learning languages, is this actually the best way or is speaking to diverse people and in diverse places, better?”




 和やかな雰囲気の中、ストレイダーさんの出身の話や領事になった経緯なども会話することができました。また、鹿児島市長や領事から激励をいただき、Stanford e-Kagoshima City事業の実施をとても待ち遠しく、期待しています。」



KYTのニュースでも報道されました→ 米国スタンフォード大の英語教育を鹿児島市が導入 鹿児島市立高校の30人が参加へ (

